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Speaking Topics

Lori would consider it an honor to speak to your women’s group. Listed below are some topics on which Lori frequently speaks. Her speaking topics are not limited to this list. She is more than willing to adapt to the theme of your event.


Single Session Speaking Topics

Under His Wing-Spiritual Mothering

Mothering is part of the nature of our femininity. Spiritual mothering enables us to fulfill our unique role as women to teach the things of God to the generation following us. This session explores how to pass on our legacy of faith to the generations following.


Real Marriage: God’s Design, God’s Purpose, Our Priority

Discover our Creator’s intentions as the significance of living in covenant is examined. Emphasis will be given on how marriage pictures the gospel.


Empty Nesting

Thriving in seasons of change by building on the past, living in the present and looking forward to the future.


Ministry Wives: The Privilege, the Joy, the Difficulties

Wives of ministers have a unique place of opportunity and influence. With the joy and responsibility of ministry, often come hardships and difficulties. Lori looks at the life of a ministry family through the lens of Scripture.


He is Able

In the words of Paul, God is always able to do more than we can ask or think (Eph. 3:20-21). But God works abundantly according to His plans. Bring your limitations to our limitless God!

Conference/Retreat Topics or Single Sessions

Spring Cleaning for the Heart and Soul: (3 sessions)
  • Clutter’s Last Stand
  • Sanitize, Minimize and Organize
  • Spic and Span

Spring Cleaning focuses on the reality and need of dealing with the “clutter” of our lives, things which prevent us from glorifying the Lord and becoming all that He intends for us to be.


Glory in Weakness! (3 sessions)

Submission to God in my weaknesses sets the stage for His grace and power to be evident in my life. In the third session, Lori gives her personal testimony of God’s faithfulness though a significant personal crisis.


By Him, In Him, For Him (3 sessions)

As believers, we enjoy a unique and personal relationship with our Redeemer. We are created by Him, live in Him, and exist to glorify Him, thus fulfilling the grand purpose of our Savior for our lives (Eph. 2:10).

Women’s Leadership Training Speaking Topics

Helping Women with Tough Issues

As a woman in ministry, you will often be approached by women needing help with tough issues. How do you help them? Does the burden lie on your shoulders or should you refer them to others? Together we will focus on how to respond to others when the tough questions are asked and the tough issues are exposed.


Spiritual Formation for Leaders

Lead from resources only God can provide through the practice of the spiritual disciplines. This session explores foundational principles for Christian leadership that produce lasting and fruitful ministry.


How to Minister through Personal Crises

As leaders in the church, we are not immune to personal crises. A crisis can make us or break us. As Jesus transforms us in the moments of crisis, He enables us to go to others. This session will offer some wisdom and practical tools to help navigate through a personal crisis.


Godly Leading

So much of life involves leadership in strategic moments. By focusing on the life and legacy of Queen Esther, leadership lessons are taught and illustrated.  

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